Bioresonance Health Testing
Do you know everything about your body? Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies generated by the body to detect the presence of parasites, bacteria, toxins, and other health disruptors, and to help eliminate them. Every cell produces tiny electromagnetic vibrations. Cells that are in good health emit harmonious signals that freely resonate with each other. Toxins or microbes that infect a cell add their own frequencies and distort the cell's natural signal. Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes, which are attached to a device, to pick up various electromagnetic waves from the skin's surface.
Bioresonance Health test shows information about:​
The general state of your body; Your body's PH (acidic or alkaline); An acidic environment with a pH below 7.35 promotes the development and growth of cancer cells.
47 organs and their state (hyperfunction, hypofunction); During the analysis, all organ systems are scanned: Cardiovascular system, Digestive system, Endocrine system, Head organs, Lymphatic system, Respiratory system, Urinary system, Immune system, Musculoskeletal system, Nervous system .
Pathologies, bacteria, viruses, parasites and helminths, which often cause infections that can affect various body systems, depending on the type of parasite and its location in the body)
Vitamin and mineral deficiency is a subtle but extremely significant problem that can have serious health consequences. Each of them performs specific functions that support the optimal functioning of the body.The human body needs more than 100 different minerals and vitamins to function properly. A deficiency of some minerals or vitamins can cause serious health problems.
Chakras (energy points in your body);
Aurogram (the field of energy surrounding a person's physical body);
Your biological age (compared to your real age);
Heavy metals and their level in your body;
and much more.
Children can also be tested.