Bioenergetic Meridian Massage Training
Expand your skills or start
new journey and join the thriving community of massage specialists!

Bioenergetic Meridian Massage Training
Massage training is a great way to expand your skill set and open up new career opportunities. Whether you're interested in learning for personal or professional reasons, courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. With hands-on training and professional products, you'll be on your way to becoming a skilled massage therapist.
Who can attend massage course?
We invite practicing massage therapists, physiotherapists or anyone who wants to perform it for personal use. No previous experience is required.
What you will get on the course: ​
Principles of Bioenergetic Meridian Massager, indications, and contraindications for massage
Theoretical material about body meridians, main acupoints, and their benefits
Tutorial for full body massage techniques
Tutorial for face massage techniques
Personal consultation during the course
Certificate of completion of the course​
What is course formate?​
After completing the course and passing the test, you will receive a certificate. The certificate is issued in English and serves as proof that you have attended the course and gained skills to work with the device.
Course availability
Please contact to arrange course day individually.
Course Location
Cambridge & London, United Kingdom (location confirmed individually as we organise courses in a few venues)
Course Fee
£300 per person

Massage Training Course available in Cambridge & London
or in your location upon request
Is the procedure safe for the human body?The procedure of bioenergetic massage is safe, which is confirmed by the certificate of conformity of quality, the output voltage of the device is 8 volts, which coincides with the biocurrents of body cells. The device is safe for the client and the specialist who works with it. It converts electrical impulses into biocurrents, which coincide with the electrical charge of human cells. A certified master, when performing the procedure, fully controls the depth of the current.
At what age can bioenergetic meridian massage be done?From 7 years of age up to any age - who have no contraindications. Children under 7 years old - if the obvious cause of ill health lies in stagnating or blocking some body functions. By agreement with the doctor. Adults over 70 years of age - if the body has enough biopotential for recovery. By agreement with the doctor.
What are the contraindications for undergoing bioenergy massage?The presence of pacemaker in the body Significant weakening of the functions of the heart, lungs, kidneys; Malignant tumours; cancer treatment Acute infectious diseases; Various hemorrhagic diseases accompanied by bleeding; Pregnancy and menstrual period; After drinking alcohol; The presence of foreign objects in the body; Rehabilitation period after undergoing heart surgery, or serious heart defects; Severe forms of hypertension; Other extremely serious diseases.
How many bioenergy massage treatments do you need to achieve improvement?Bioenergy massager is designed for prevention and maintenance of health. In the process of its application, the body is cleansed of toxins, blood circulation and metabolism are improved, energy channels are released, the Yin-Yang energies of internal organs are regulated, cells are activated, immunity is strengthened. This improves the body's ability to heal itself. As a result, a person can get out of the pre-morbid state and achieve the effect of self-healing. Based on the principles of regulation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the course of minimum 7 treatments is required. After completing the full course, you can feel significant changes.Of course, the duration of the course is determined based on the state of health of a particular person. Regular use of the device will allow you to maintain good health, preserve beauty and youth.
When bioenergetic massage is recommended?Insomnia; Gastrointestinal disorders; Lack of appetite; Constipation, hemorrhoids; Skin itching; Rheumatic diseases; Arthritis; Pain in the lower back and legs; Injuries; Soft tissue damage; Bone damage; Dizziness; Tinnitus; Anemia; Hypertension; Hyperglycemia; Diabetes; Ischemic diseases; Climacteric syndrome; Overwork.
Who has the right to work on BEM?Certified specialist. The FOHOW certificate is issued after passing the basic level training.